Please note of the below disqualifications:
Anyone with the following conditions will absolutely not be allowed to receive any treatment.
Expecting mothers and nursing mothers
Under 18 years of age
Active skin cancer in treated area
Those who have experienced post inflammatory hyperpigmentation
Those who have received radiation or chemotherapy within the past 48 days.
Those with any transmittable blood conditions: Hepatitis or HIV
Those with skin diseases such as eczema, psoriasis on the treated area
Those with shingles within the last 6 months.
Healing disorders
Prone to Keloids
Anyone currently taking or have taken Accutane or steroids within the last year
Anyone epileptic or have experienced faint spells or seizures
Anyone with the following conditions will need a doctor’s note clearing them for the tattoo procedure before receiving any treatment. Doctors note need to be emailed to: browsxmarian@gmail.com at least 7 days prior to appointment date or appointment slot will be cancelled with loss of deposit.
Thyroid disorders
Hypertensive/ high blood pressure
On long term blood thinning medication