
Below are some notes to read prior to your appointment. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask. 


The appointment is divided into two parts: consultation/ brow mapping and the actual tattoo procedure. During the consultation, you would be able to decide exactly what shape you would like. It would be helpful if you have an idea or any reference pictures of the style you’d wish to achieve. With your preferred style in mind, I will map your brows based on your facial and bone structure. We would not do the procedure until you are 100% happy with the shape. However, keep in mind that once we start I would not be able to change the shape. Therefore, I encourage and welcome all constructive criticism when drawing your brows. You are free to be as “picky” as you would like, these are your brows. 

Semi-permanent makeup normally requires multiple sessions to perfect and complete your look. I recommend returning for a touch up session anywhere from 6-12 weeks after your initial appointment. Keep in mind, any touch up booked the 12 weeks mark will include an additional cost. 

Prior to your appointment:

  • You may fill your brows as you would normally. This will help give me a guide for the style and preference you like. 

  • To ensure pain tolerance and reduce bleeding:

    • Heighten pain is expected during menstrual cycle 

    • If desired, Tylenol may be taken prior to the procedure. Aspirin and Ibuprofen are blood thinners, therefore should be avoided.

  • NO blood thinners at least 72 hours prior: Advil, Aspirin, Motrin, Ibuprofen, Niacin, fish oil supplements.

  • It is not necessary to have your brows waxed or threaded prior. If possible, leave your hair as natural as possible. This will help me get a better idea of where and how your hair naturally grows. I can remove and clean any unwanted hair after we have agreed on a shape. If you insist, please have it shaped at least 3 days prior. 

  • If you normally tint your brows, you MUST tint prior to coming in. Please do so at least 5 days prior.

  • Please avoid any sun tanning or tanning beds prior at least 30 days prior and 30 days after the procedure. If you are sunburned please contact me prior to the appointment to reschedule. This is to your benefit, as pigment will not retain as well if your skin is already inflamed. 

  • If your skin around the area we’re working on is compromised: break out, rash, inflamed, bruised, blemished; unfortunately we will have to reschedule. Please contact me prior to the appointment to reschedule. 

  • Avoid chemical peels, Retin A, retinols, at least 4 weeks prior and after

  • Those taking Accutane, antasure, and steroids must be off for a minimum of 6 months prior to treatment

  • If you intend on getting any botox or fillers around the treated area, please do so at least 2 weeks before or two weeks after

  • Any facial cosmetic surgery should be done at least one year prior to procedure.

  • For my survivors, you must be in remission for at least 6 months prior to receiving any tattoo services. 

  • Anyone with the following conditions will absolutely not be allowed to receive any treatment: 

    • Expecting mothers and nursing mothers

    • Under 18 years of age

    • Active skin cancer in treated area

    • Those who have experienced post inflammatory hyperpigmentation 

    • Those who have received radiation or chemotherapy within the past 48 days

    • Those with any transmittable blood conditions: Hepatitis or HIV

    • Those with skin diseases such as eczema, psoriasis on the treated area

    • Those with shingles within the last 6 months 

  • Anyone with the following conditions will need a doctor’s note clearing them for the tattoo procedure before receiving any treatment. Doctors note need to be emailed to: at least 7 days prior to appointment date or appointment slot will be cancelled with loss of deposit.

    • Diabetes

    • Hemophiliac 

    • Healing disorders

    • Thyroid disorders

    • Hypertensive/ high blood pressure

    • On long term blood thinning medication 


Please keep in mind, your brow tattoo immediately is still considered a WOUND and should be treated and cared for as such. 

  • Expect slight swelling, redness, and tenderness in the immediate area. It will subside within 24-48 hours. 

  • Avoid washing, soap, and cleansers on the treated area for the first 24 hours. 

  • After 24 hours, you may wash with mild soap and water. Create lather and pat at brows. Pat dry, DO NOT rub or scrub.

  • Besides washing, keep brows DRY. You do not need to apply any ointment on them. If skin gets extremely dry that it hurts (very rare) you may apply a THIN layer of aquaphor on them to provide enough moisture to relieve it twice daily. DO NOT SCRATCH TO RELIEVE THE ITCH. 

  • Once brows crusts, scabs, and peels DO NOT pick out scratch. Picking and scratching can cause pigment loss and scarring. Allow scabs to fall off naturally.

  • No makeup on brows during healing to prevent infection. You may apply makeup once brows finish peeling. 

  • Avoid gym, sauna, jacuzzi, long steamy hot showers, pools until brows have finished peeling. 

  • Avoid Retin A, Glycolic acids, Vitamin E, Vitamin C (anything that promotes accelerated healing and cell turnover) during healing.

  • After brows have fully peeled, you are free to resume normal activities (working out, makeup, pools, etc.)

  • No contact with animals, or gardening for 7-10 days (until area is completely healed) post procedure and after all touch ups.

  • If you have excessive redness, swelling or tenderness or any red streaks going from the procedure site toward the heart, elevated temperature, or purulent drainage from the procedure site, contact your physician as the area may be infected and you may need to seek medical care. 


  • Use sunscreen 35+ daily to prevent premature fading of brow pigments.

  • Any chemical peels, Retin A, microneedling will lighten pigment. Use at your own discretion. 

  • Any laser treatment is to avoid areas surrounding eyebrows. Please inform your technicians of your tattoo prior to any laser treatments.